Hospice Teaching Tools
By being streamlined and prepared in your patient education materials, you have the tools you need to teach from and to share with patients and families. This streamlined presentation of information, from admission through bereavement, allows you to be consistent in your education and support, as well as be prepared for the CAHPS Hospice Survey.

Living Your Mission
For years, I have grappled with how I can live my mission and be in integrity with my values in my career. Hospice was a beautiful platform for learning these lessons about myself, and it provided me the opportunity to explore, and serve, many aspects and arenas of the hospice world.

Wings Unfurled
It was the coldest day of the year. You know the kind – when the wind whips your hair around and the bone-chilling cold stings your face in spite of your efforts to dress for the weather. I unloaded my car into the tiny cabin in the woods, toting an armful of groceries in one arm while managing the dog leash of Paisley the Rhodesian Ridgeback in the other.