B1004 | Nature Gave Us Butterflies: A Family's Guide to End-of-Life Transitions, Spanish Edition
Highlights and topics covered:
Highlights and topics covered in Spanish:
Part One covers Specific Symptoms and Issues:
- Pain Management: It’s Essential
- Decreased Food and Fluid Intake: Aren’t They Uncomfortable?
- Breathing Changes
- Confusion, Agitation, and Restlessness
- Skin Changes and Skin Care
- Changes in Elimination
- Socialization, Resolution, and Withdrawal
Part Two offers a Chronological Timeline, providing a gentle guideline regarding “what to expect” as the patient’s health declines:
- The Emotions of Goodbye
- One to Three Months Before Death
- One to Two Weeks Before Death
- Two Days to a Few Hours Before Death
- When Death Has Occurred
- In tandem with the chronological timeline, we gently relate the patient’s physical, emotional, and spiritual changes to the metamorphosis of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. Using nature metaphors allows the hospice professional gently educate and connect to all backgrounds, cultures, and religions.
In the United States, 13% of our population speaks Spanish at home, making it the most common non-English panguage spoken. Having booklets in other languages demonstrates to surveyors your dedication to educating and supporting all patients and families in their first language.